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Opportunities > High School > Artslife Internship

Artslife Internship

Artslife is a paid, six week summer internship program for rising sophomores and juniors that combines art and design with leadership training, museum studies, and community engagement.
24 Oct 2023
High School

Artslife is a paid, six week summer internship program for 10 rising sophomores and juniors who live in New York City and are enrolled in a New York City public or charter high school. It combines art and design with leadership training, museum studies, and community engagement. Participants are introduced to museum careers and go behind the scenes at MAD, create digital content for the museum, take field trips to other cultural institutions in New York, and collaborate on programming for teens citywide.

The application deadline is 11:59pm on Sunday, April 7, 2024. To apply, click here or visit this link:

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