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Opportunities > Post-grad > Microsoft Research Intern- Computational Social Science

Microsoft Research Intern- Computational Social Science

Have you ever wanted to work at Microsoft? This may be the perfect internship for you! This is a great opportunity for PhD students.
17 Nov 2023

Microsoft is offering a research internship position in computational social science. During Microsoft's 12-week program, interns will be connected with a mentor and various other interns. Students will work on a project relating to one of many topics, including economics, computational biology, theoretical computer science, and machine learning and AI. Interns will conclude their research with a presentation. 

Microsoft is looking for a PhD student pursuing a degree in computational social science or a similar field with at least 2 years of coding experience and at least 1 year of experience with online experiments. 


For more information, take a look at Microsoft's page for this internship opportunity here!

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